Mission India | India

Multiplying Churches & Disciples, Developing Leaders, Relieving Suffering

Mission India | India

Multiplying Churches & Disciples, Developing Leaders, Relieving Suffering

Mission India seeks to plant a church in every village in India by empowering passionate believers. In the wake of COVID-19, many families in India were left devastated. Children have been orphaned and parents widowed. Vulnerable families fell into greater poverty due to lockdowns; many resorted to sending their sons and daughters to become child laborers. In spite of India’s continued struggle with COVID-19, Mission India is still proclaiming the Good News of Jesus in powerful ways! In fact, as they responded to the need and distributed COVID-19 Relief Kits, new doors were opened for them to disciple families they met.

As we come out of this time of suffering, programs have restarted and the holy spirit continues to work. 

Mission India's Programs include:

  • Children’s Bible Clubs: Children’s Bible Clubs introduce children to Jesus through engaging activities, songs, and prayer during either a 10-Day or Year-Long experience. These activities are a great way to bring children together and allow leaders to build relationships with them.
  • Adult literacy classes: Graduates of Adult Literacy Classes walk out with holistically changed lives. In addition to learning 5th-grade level reading, writing, and math, students are empowered with the knowledge needed to save money and increase income. They learn about healthy eating, good hygiene, and social ills such as devaluing daughters. In addition to being set free from the confines of illiteracy, students hear the hope of the Gospel.
  • Church planter training: There are so many villages and communities in India haven’t heard the Gospel. But when you introduce a community to Jesus, amazing things happen! The name of Jesus brings hope and change to many places. Church Planter Training takes students through a mix of in-depth classroom instruction and fieldwork. Each Church Planter’s goal is to establish strong communities of faith that continue to grow.


Stories about Mission India's Impact: