What We Believe

at Christ Church

What We Believe

at Christ Church

We major on the big beliefs of classic Christianity, while embracing a peaceable range of opinion on lesser matters. Members of Christ Church regard the following convictions as among the essentials of historic Christian faith:

The Authority of Scripture We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God and the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice.

The Triune God | We believe there is but one living and true God, subsisting in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—equal in power and glory; and that this triune God created all, upholds all, and governs all.

The Saving Work of Jesus We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Savior of the world, and that through his life, death, and resurrection, an atonement was made for sin and redemption was provided for all humanity.

The Necessity of Personal Response | We believe that repentance for sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as a personal Savior is the one and only way by which sinful persons can inherit eternal life.

The Renewing Work of the Holy Spirit | We believe the Holy Spirit regenerates the soul and brings men and women into saved relations with God. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and Guide of all who receive Jesus Christ as a personal Savior.

The Historic Faith of the Church | We believe that the Apostles' Creed embodies the fundamental facts of the Christian faith.

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    Our Vision

    Our Vision

    What Do We Believe About GOD?

    God hears the cries of individuals and families laboring under many crushing pressures today. He wants us and the people around us to experience the divine grace that is greater than this gravity and that can raise all of us toward life abundant and eternal.  


    What Do We Believe God Wants His CHURCH to Do?

    We believe God is calling Christ Church in the season ahead to help LIFT 10,000 toward their God-given potential.  Together, we aim to lift…

    • 10000 individual each week to a higher level of thriving
    • 10000 communities around us to a better quality of life
    • 10000 groups (or more) to greater missional impact
    • 10000 families to a higher level of health and influence
    • 10000 people toward their God-given potential


    What Does This Require on a PERSONAL Level?

    To fulfill God’s call, we think there are three crucial spiritual movements needed in our hearts and lives. We pray that each of us will…

    • LIFT up our eyes to God, making His character and kingdom our ultimate fascination
    • LIFT up Jesus, with a passion to help others find His transforming power and community
    • LIFT up people in His Name, caring about doing that as the measure of our lives


    What Does This Require on an Organizational Level?

    To fulfill God’s call, we think there are four practical measures we need to undertake to strengthen our church’s relational infrastructure and capacity for long-term influence.  In these next years, we seek to… 

    • Foster a Leadership Revolution that further unleashes the giftedness of our church
    • Build an Invitational Culture that helps many more along the path to Christlikeness
    • Multiply Flourishing Groups that extend life-changing love into our wider world
    • Provide Tech Touchpoints that build relationships & resource people in a digital space
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    Our Values

    Our Values

    Authentic Worship

    We delight in authentic worship. Exalting and enjoying God is life's great purpose and pleasure.

    Intentional Growth

    We pursue intentional spiritual growth. Becoming like Jesus is an adventure worth every effort.

    Generous Service

    We go all in for generous service. Giving our gifts to help others is how we imitate God.

    Attractive Witness

    We seek to be attractive witnesses. Living to draw others to Christ is our personal daily mission.

    Genuine Community

    We invest in genuine community. Doing life together is how we live the Christian journey.

    Life-Changing Love

    We are all about life-changing love. Loving people extravagantly is the power and priority of God.

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    Our Mission

    Our Mission


    Christ Church pursues an enduring purpose, derived from the Bible and the call of Christ, that serves as the North Star by which our life and work are guided. Following the ancient model of the Christian church, we:

    Gather communities of disciples who worship, grow, and serve; and
    Go into all the world as witnesses of the life-changing love of Jesus.

    This rhythm of gathering for communion with God and in community with one another, followed by going forth to fulfill Jesus’ great commandment and commission, defines our life together (Matthew 22:37–40; 28:18–20; Acts 1:8).

    As we live on mission within our church community, neighborhood, and the wider world, we partner with over 70 mission organizations to:

    • Lift women and children to their full potential
    • Transform communities
    • Relieve suffering
    • Multiply disciple-making churches
    • Develop thriving Christian leaders

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    Discover Christ Church

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    Our Story

    Our Story


    Christ Church was founded in 1965 by Rev. Arthur and Gladys DeKruyter and a small group dedicated to creating “a church for the community” in the new Village of Oak Brook. The journey began in the DeKruyter’s basement, with services starting on Easter Sunday 1965, and soon moved to the gymnasium of Butler School.

    In January 1968, with just 82 families, the congregation pledged $217,000–some members even took out second mortgages–to build a church to welcome the community. Despite an average attendance of only 450, they constructed a Sanctuary to hold 1,200, believing God had big plans for this church.

    They were right. From the opening of the Sanctuary on Palm Sunday 1970, the church grew rapidly, grounded on “Six Pillars of Ministry”: strong preaching and teaching, excellent worship music, effective children and youth ministries, advanced communications, competent caregiving and mission outreach to a needy world.

    In January 1997, Rev. DeKruyter retired, ushering in a fruitful “second season” under Rev. Dr. Daniel and Amy Meyer. Strategic initiatives renewed the church’s intergenerational character and expanded its global outreach. The original Six Pillars evolved into a commitment to “Worship, Grow, and Serve,” encompassing numerous ministries that impact thousands of lives.

    The church celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2015 and soon after embarked on its most significant mission expansion since its founding. In 2018, a second location opened in Butterfield (formerly Downers Grove), alongside a major renovation and expansion of the Oak Brook campus. In 2019, Christ Church acquired the former Fountain of Life church in Lombard, relocating the Butterfield congregation to this seven-acre campus.

    Today, Christ Church continues to thrive at its Oak Brook and Butterfield Corridor locations. We invite YOU to join us and help shape the next exciting era of Christ Church.

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    Our Discipleship Vision


    Christ Church welcomes into its friendship all persons without regard to their age, race, ethnicity, economic condition, sexual orientation, marital status or spiritual experience. We are eager to have everyone possible benefit from our ministries of worship, growth and service, and experience the grace, truth and love of Jesus Christ and His Body. We are a community of imperfect people seeking to be biblically faithful and radically loving.

    We’ve provided the text below to orient you to the mission, values, key principles and practices at the core of our church’s vision of Christian discipleship. We hope that in reading it, you will gain a deeper sense of who we are and how this church aligns with your own personal convictions and aspirations. At whatever level you ultimately become involved, we are glad to have you here and pray that our church will be a blessing in your life!

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