Resources to help you

follow Jesus

Resources to help you

follow Jesus

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” Jesus | John 15:5

We want to help you discover a deeper relationship with God and help you discern and develop your God-given potential. We are committed to helping you live in this world and love people around us just like Jesus does.


WORSHIP weekly with your church family

Find a worship service that feels right to you and make it a part of your weekly rhythm. When you can’t be here in person, join us through our worship livestream, or visit our online media library.

GROW by taking intentional steps of faith

Gain clearer sight for where you are and want to go. Start using some of our spiritual training resources. Get the educational equipment you need to make the most of your life. Find some partners for the journey.

SERVE the church and world with your gifts

  • Make a strategic financial gift that helps change lives for the good.
  • Serve in a volunteer ministry here at the church or near to where you live. Or extend your reach far away where people especially need your gifts.

We’re here to help

Christ Church has been my home since high school. I’ve experienced firsthand the life changing ministry of God through this place. I enjoy having the opportunity on a daily basis to get people connected to a community where they can build meaningful relationships and grow in their faith. As the Pastor of Adult ministries, I look forward to meeting you and learning how I can help you take your first step into a relationship with Jesus Christ.