Financial Update

Financial Update

Financial Update

Financial Update

Financial Update

Financial Update

Financial Update

For He is Good!

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story …”   –Psalm 107: 1-2

It is a joy to pray about a vision for the church’s future, come together as the body of Christ and to look on in awe at all He has done.

Two years ago, the church leadership presented the LIFT Initiative to catalyze the future to which God was calling us. On January 5, 2025, we paused to celebrate and tell the story of all the Lord has done. If you missed it, you can watch it here

The #1 goal of the initiative was to invite everyone who calls Christ Church home to LIFT their own faith and discipleship so they can be equipped to LIFT others.


Some of the growth we saw includes:

  • Hundreds of elementary, middle and high school students meeting Sundays in big and small group gatherings.
  • Almost 500 women gathering on Tuesdays to learn more about Jesus and build life-changing relationships with one another.
  • Sunday worshippers have grown in both our Classic and Contemporary expressions.
  • Our congregation sacrificed, followed God's leading and gave more than $31.9 million to His vision for our future.

Each number tells a story. Each number is a soul. So many people have shared how God is transforming their lives through the people and ministries of Christ Church. Ryan drew closer to the Lord through challenging circumstances and Lisa experienced the best day of her life when she was baptized. Don't miss these stories–watch them here

We paid down debt so that we could invest more in ministry. The Christ Church Preschool was relaunched making way for discipling the littlest among us. We made improvements in our meeting and gathering spaces at both campuses.

  • The kid's and student spaces were updated, made more accessible for those with disabilities and reconfigured for safety.
  • We expanded our commitment to helping families with disabilities by growing our Disability Ministry. We built up our buddy program, added sensory rooms and headphones in worship spaces, included a sensory-friendly hour to the Oh What Fun! Christmas Party and so much more.
  • The gym at the Butterfield campus was remodeled, making it a great space for people of all ages to gather and play.
  • The Acorn and Oak rooms at the Oak Brook campus were updated to make more room and more beautiful spaces for our congregation and guests.
  • The Sanctuary lighting was improved and a leak repaired in the steeple.
  • The sound projection systems in the Fellowship Halls in Oak Brook were upgraded.
  • Plans are underway to create a LIFT Center at the Butterfield campus to meet the needs of the under resourced and most vulnerable in the surrounding communities.
  • And we increased giving to some of our 70 local and global mission partners.




Financial Statement

2024 ended well with a net surplus of $1.5 million primarily as a result of moving the planned debt paydown and the completion of the LIFT Center to 2025. This surplus will be carried over to 2025's budget and spent accordingly. As planned, Christ Church utilized the prior year surplus to help fund the current year LIFT expenditure and have a balanced budget. In addition, Christ Church utilized $600,000 of a Board approved utilization of Institutional Funds to fulfill a short term cash flow need in October. We are looking forward to 2025 where God will continue to do amazing things to LIFT people up and make our church even stronger financially.

Where Does Your Giving Go?

* Ministry includes supporting worship and programs that help adults and children draw closer to God.
** Mission Partners supports more than 65 local and global ministries. The planned 2024 spend is consistent with prior years. Included in the Capital Expense number is an amount allocated to the LIFT Center.
*** Capital Expenses supports the funding of our mortgage, building improvements and the LIFT initiative.


Being Faithful

Being a faithful steward of your financial contributions to the life of the church is essential to my role as the Accounting Director at Christ Church. I am passionate about utilizing our given resources to make the most effective impact for our Christ Church community as well as with our mission partners both locally and globally. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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    Financial Update | Q3 2024

    Meeting the Needs of Others 

    Lift Center to provide services to the under resourced

    For 20 years we have used our time, resources and gifts to serve the under resourced in surrounding neighborhoods. Over the years there has been a desire to expand our efforts beyond the once-a-month Food Pantry to provide services to meet the spiritual and material needs of the individuals and families in our community.

    Through the LIFT initiative a vision for a LIFT Center including a food market, legal ministry, the English Conversation Cafe and educational services began to take shape. Plans are underway to make this a reality and reconfigure the Butterfield campus to house the LIFT Center.

    Giving to Christ Church and the LIFT initiative is allowing us to respond to God’s call to reach the needs of more people and LIFT them to their God-given potential.

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    Financial Update | Q2 2024

    LIFTing the Faith of the Next Generation

    We are more than halfway through our commitment to LIFTing 10,000 people by the close of 2024 and we see the evidence of how God has been moving in and through us all around. What is equally remarkable is that we know that our good and gracious God is transforming lives in ways that we cannot see or imagine.

    Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for those who have invested their time and talents, as well as their financial gifts. And it is with holy anticipation that we look toward the fall, and the many opportunities to LIFT others. Within our church and community, we can help children and students grow a vibrant and vital faith–one that knows deeply a grace greater than the gravity of life.

    Here are just a few ways you can help:

    Become a buddy

    One of the goals of LIFT is to build a Disability Ministry so everyone feels welcomed, known and loved as they cultivate a relationship with Jesus. We need volunteers to buddy up with our children, students, and adults with disabilities to help them participate fully in Sunday and mid-week ministry groups. No special skills are necessary, just a loving and caring heart and a willingness to learn and help. Visit here for more information or to fill out a Volunteer Interest Form.

    Volunteer for Kids Club

    Last year we launched a mid-week group for kids in grades 1–5 at the Butterfield campus. Parents and kids alike loved the program. Our hope is to expand it to the Oak Brook campus this fall. To do that, we need volunteers to support the variety of activities each week. The programs will run from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Visit here for more information and to fill out a form expressing interest. Someone from our team will reach out soon.

    Christ Church can reach more kids and students with the life-changing love of Jesus because of the generous way our congregation give, serves and LIFTs others.
